this is among the content of BBA's "urgent" meeting this evening

"Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Fatih, Phoy Cheng and Zati
Happy Birthday To You"
assalamualaikum & good day to all
today we celebrated 3 of BBA's committees' birthday
*it is not that all of them were born on the same day..but they all came to this beautiful world in the month of August*
the lucky winner for today is.....

~Mr Mohamad Al-Fatih Pahrol
*August 12th*

~Miss Rachel Chun Phoy Cheng
*August 8th*

~Miss Nurul Izzati Hashim
*August 23rd*
the bond between us all will remain forever
and to you three
may happiness and success accompany you all year long
till then

"Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To Fatih, Phoy Cheng and Zati
Happy Birthday To You"
assalamualaikum & good day to all
today we celebrated 3 of BBA's committees' birthday
*it is not that all of them were born on the same day..but they all came to this beautiful world in the month of August*
the lucky winner for today is.....
~Mr Mohamad Al-Fatih Pahrol
*August 12th*
~Miss Rachel Chun Phoy Cheng
*August 8th*
~Miss Nurul Izzati Hashim
*August 23rd*
the bond between us all will remain forever
and to you three
may happiness and success accompany you all year long
till then

ad kek lg? hihi ^^
ow ptot la ad meeting,urgent lak tu..x tahan...
best nye!!!!
chantek ye kek tu!!!
nk gak~~
yam : tu la psl..ngam2 je ade 3 strwberry ats kek tu...sorg dpt 1~~
najwa : best..ngantuk tyme meeting ble part cake je trus segar!!
ira : kne bli kek bg sume org nnti nih~~~
kelaka la nadh....bila fikir2 balik...urusan BBA dkt ts..hehe
kak u : tau xpe...dahla sume org tnye kte jwb mcm serius je...padahal laen keje!!~~
haha, just found your blog. it was a very well-planned birthday party. i m sure that 3 of them enjoyed it very much.:) *thumb up
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