Saturday, January 23, 2010

he's 21 and i destroyed the c.a.k.e

this post should be done and posted on the day [january 21st]
but i couldnt make it without the cake and him

so today
*two days later*

happy birthday to mr ali azeezie
it's your 21st
*i'm still 19 =D*
*and i heart you*


*the present*

but it's kinda sad
cause i'd ruined the cuppacakes alltogether
it actually happened due to my moderate driving skill
i was actually driving to subang
and was nearing touch n' go booth
when i didnt realised there's a car up front
and my sis kt sblh was like,
i slammed on the brake pedal
and luckily nothing happened
but the cuppacakes which was on the back seat slide down
and there u go

*cuppacakes courtesy to +wondermilk*

but i was kinda touched when azeezie said,
"takpe ya...yg penting effort tu ade.."
then again

happy birthday syg

i l.o.v.e you

till then

with love,


qama said...

so sweet..hehe

n_myza said...

ala hai.. comey nye... x bleh tahan glak aaa nad.. cake ngan korang2 pun comey... auwww!!! so... sweet... haha

nadhira khairudin said...

qama : thanks =D

mizah : seyes wei...nk nangis tgk cake tu...time kakak aku susun smula pas die jatuh, die asyik ckp,
"dira,jgn tgk..jgn tgk!!"

Anonymous said...

die pandai amik hati.

MyOwNwOrLd said...


so sweeeeeeeT!!!


nadhira khairudin said...

cidot : hihihi..aint i lucky?? =D

shyra : thanks =D

semut merah said...

sweetnye kamu berdua
moga kekal ke akhir hayat
*nanti zizi kat jepun cane nad nk anta cake ye *

nadhira khairudin said...

gee : thanks gee..insyaAllah

p/s - kt jepun kne bli cake sndirila.. =D

FaDhLi said...

ber'sayang2' nampak..
muge kekal ke akhir hayat..
kawin jemput ea..

nadhira khairudin said...

baek mantan ydp persiap!!
and thanks.. =D

hikmah kembara said...

salam ziarah.......:)